Scan a dotnet Core Projects Dependencies for Potential Vulnerabilities in an Azure Pipeline with Snyk

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Scan a dotnet Core Projects Dependencies for Potential Vulnerabilities in an Azure Pipeline with Snyk

#azure-devops #azure-pipelines #dotnet-core #git #security #snyk

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In the dynamic landscape of modern software development, security is not just a buzzword—it's a prerequisite. Open-source dependencies inject agility into our projects but also introduce potential vulnerabilities. Snyk, is a developer-centric solution for identifying and mitigating these risks. In this article, we'll walk through seamlessly integrating Snyk into Azure Pipelines, ensuring your dependencies are as robust as your code.

Understanding the Imperative

Before diving into the integration, let's acknowledge why managing dependencies is paramount. Our applications lean heavily on third-party libraries, but these can be an Achilles' heels if not managed meticulously. Snyk steps in as the guardian, offering a proactive stance against vulnerabilities, allowing developers to navigate the intricate web of dependencies securely.


The following prerequisites will be required to complete this tutorial:

Add Snyk Extension to Azure DevOps

Begin by embracing Snyk into your Azure Pipelines workflow. The process, akin to the simplicity synonymous with Azure, empowers developers to fortify their projects effortlessly.

  1. In the root of an Azure DevOps Organization, select Organization Settings in the bottom left of the screen.

    Azure DevOps Organization Settings

  2. In the General section, select Extensions.

    Azure DevOps Organization Settings General Extensions Navigation

  3. Select Browse marketplace.

    Azure DevOps Extensions Navigation Bar

  4. Search for snyk, and then select Snyk Security Scan.

    Azure DevOps Extension Search Snyk

  5. Select Get if free, and then select Install.

    Azure DevOps Snyk Extension Get It Free

  6. In the Extensions section, Snyk Security Scan is now installed.

    Azure DevOps Snyk Extension Installed

Add Snyk Service Connection to Azure DevOps Project

  1. From the root of an Azure DevOps Project, select Project settings in the bottom left of the screen.

    Azure DevOps Project Settings Link

  2. In the Pipelines section, select Service connections.

    Azure DevOps Project Settings Service Connections Navigation

  3. Select Create service connection.

    Azure DevOps Project Create Service Connection

  4. Search for snyk, then select Next.

    Azure DevOps Service Connection Search Snyk

  5. Enter the following values.

    Server URL
    Snyk API TokenYour Snyk API Token (see below)
    Service connection nameSnyk
    Grant access permission to all pipelinesTrue

    Azure DevOps Snyk Service Connection Setup

    To get the Snyk API Token, in snyk account settings, select General, then select click to show the Key. Copy and paste the key into Azure DevOps Snyk Service Connection Setup Personal API Token box. Snyk Account API Token

Create and Run Azure DevOps Snyk Pipeline

With the extension in place, incorporate the Snyk Scan task into your pipeline configuration. This task serves as the sentinel, scrutinizing your dependencies for vulnerabilities.

  1. In the root of an Azure DevOps Project, select Pipelines.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Navigation

  2. Select Create Pipeline.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Create Your First Pipeline

  3. In the Connect tab, Select Azure Repos Git.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Connect Azure Repos Git

  4. In the Select tab, select ASP.NET Core YAML template.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Select ASP.NET Core YAML template

  5. Replace the Contents of the YAML file with the following YAML.

    - master
    vmImage: ubuntu-latest
    - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
        command: 'build'
    - task: SnykSecurityScan@1
        serviceConnectionEndpoint: 'Snyk'
        testType: 'app'
        failOnIssues: true
        monitorWhen: 'always'
        additionalArguments: '--all-projects --exclude=tests'
  6. Rename the pipelines YAML file to snykappsecurityscan-az-pipeline.yml and then select Save and run.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Rename the Pipelines Yaml File, Save and Run

  7. Add a commit message and then select Save and run.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Connect Azure Repos Git

Review Snyk Test Report and Remediate

As the Snyk scan concludes, dive into the results presented in your Azure Pipelines console. Armed with detailed insights and recommendations, developers can swiftly prioritize and address vulnerabilities—a testament to Snyk's commitment to actionable security.

  1. Navigate to Pipelines.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Snyk

  2. In the Runs tab, select a pipeline that has been run.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Runs Pipelines Run

  3. Select the Snyk Report tab to view the Snyk test report.

    Azure DevOps Pipelines Snyk Test Report


By seamlessly integrating Snyk into your Azure Pipelines workflow, you elevate your development process from merely functional to inherently secure. Snyk's commitment to developer-first security aligns seamlessly with the ethos of Azure Pipelines, providing a robust solution for managing and securing your dependencies. With Snyk as your vigilant ally, the intricate dance of dependencies becomes a secure and confident stride towards code excellence.

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