Monday, January 23, 2023
Scan Container in Azure Container Registry with Snyk via Azure DevOps Pipeline
#azure-container-registry #azure-devops #containers #devsecops #docker #security-vulnerabilities #snyk
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In this article, you will learn how to scan a container image in Azure Container Registry with Snyk via Azure DevOps Pipelines.
The following prerequisites will be required to complete this tutorial:
In the root of an Azure DevOps Organization, select Organization Settings in the bottom left of the screen.
In the General section, select Extensions.
Select Browse marketplace.
Search for snyk, and then select Snyk Security Scan.
Select Get if free, and then select Install.
In the Extensions section, Snyk Security Scan is now installed.
In Azure Portal, search for container registry.
Select + Create.
Enter the following values in the Basics tab, then select the Review + create tab, and then select Create.
Parameter | Value |
Subscription | Your Azure Subscription |
Resource group | Create new with a name of your choice |
Registry name | Chosen name for the registry |
Location | North Europe |
SKU | Basic |
From the root of an Azure DevOps Project, select Project settings in the bottom left of the screen.
In the Pipelines section, select Service connections.
Select Create service connection.
Search for snyk, then select Next.
Enter the following values.
Parameter | Value |
Server URL | |
Snyk API Token | Your Snyk API Token (see below) |
Service connection name | Snyk |
Grant access permission to all pipelines | True |
To get the Snyk API Token, in snyk account settings, select General, then select click to show the Key. Copy and paste the key into Azure DevOps Snyk Service Connection Setup Personal API Token box.
Complete steps 1 and 2 in Add Snyk Service Connection to Azure DevOps Project.
Select New service connection.
Search for docker, and then select Docker Registry.
Enter the following values.
Parameter | Value |
Registry type | Azure Container Registry |
Authentication Type | Service Principal |
Subscription | Your Azure Subscription |
Azure container registry | Azure Container Registry created earlier |
Service connection name | Chosen name for the service connection |
Grant access permission to all pipelines | True |
In the root of an Azure DevOps Project, select Repos.
Whilst in the root of your repo, select More actions, then + New, and then File.
In the Modal Popup, add the file name snyk-az-pipeline.yml into the New file name text box.
Add the following contents to the snyk-az-pipeline.yml file, replacing {Your...}
with your project folder name, azure container registry, repository and login server url (usually ends in
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
buildConfiguration: 'Release'
- job: Build
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
continueOnError: false
command: 'build'
projects: '{YourProjectFolder}*/**.csproj'
- job: Build_and_Push_Docker_Image
dependsOn: Build
displayName: Build & Deploy to Azure Registry
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- checkout: self
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build an image
containerRegistry: '{YourAzureContainerRegistryConnectionSetupAbove}'
repository: '{YourNewAzureContainerRegistryRepository}'
command: 'build'
Dockerfile: '{YourProjectFolder}/Dockerfile'
buildContext: '.'
tags: 'dev'
- task: SnykSecurityScan@1
displayName: Scan an image
serviceConnectionEndpoint: 'Snyk'
testType: 'container'
dockerImageName: '{YourAzureContainerRegistryLoginServerUrl}/{YourAzureContainerRegistryRepository}:dev'
dockerfilePath: '{YourProjectFolder}/Dockerfile'
monitorWhen: 'always'
failOnIssues: true
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Push an image
containerRegistry: '{YourAzureContainerRegistryConnectionSetupAbove}'
repository: '{YourNewAzureContainerRegistryRepository}'
command: 'push'
tags: dev
In the top right, select Commit.
In the bottom right, select Commit.
From the root of an Azure DevOps Project, select Pipelines.
Select Create Pipeline.
In the Connect tab, Select Azure Repos Git.
In the Select tab, select Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file.
Enter the following values.
Parameter | Value |
Branch | main |
Path | /snyk-az-pipeline.yml |
Review the pipeline snyk-az-pipeline.yml yaml, and then select Run, to run the pipeline.
Navigate to Pipelines.
In the Runs tab, select a pipeline that has been run.
Select the Snyk Report tab to view the Snyk test report.
All my articles are written and managed as Markdown files on GitHub.
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